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Microsoft word 2016 basics unit 4 free

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You are guaranteed of confidentiality and authenticity By using our website, you can be sure to have your personal information secured. Our sample essays Categories. All samples. Lab Report. Annotated bibliography. Case study. Term paper. Research paper. Essay any type. Creative writing. Design a robust patch management plan for a new startup that will use primarily Windows workstations and Linux servers in its day-to-day operations.

You can include images to explain information as well in the slide. I need at least a minimum of 15 slides. I just need enough slides to communicate all of the Patch Management process. But try to at least use the words of text which are requested in this order.

But all slides have to have text within each slide. Please reference and cite all sources. Please be sure to also follow all directions very closely. In Isidore Isou published the Lettrist manifesto, a document covering art, culture, poetry, film, and political theory. The included works also called metagraphics and hypergraphics , are a synthesis of writing and visual art. The diagram contained six interrelated components used for analyzing arguments and was considered Toulmin's most influential work, particularly in the field of rhetoric, communication, and computer science.

The Toulmin Model of Argumentation became influential in argumentation theory and its applications. In and , respectively, the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft included on their vessels the Pioneer Plaques , a pair of gold-anodized aluminum plaques, each featuring a pictorial message.

The pictorial messages included nude male and female figures as well as symbols that were intended to provide information about the origin of the spacecraft.

The images were designed by Carl Sagan and Frank Drake and were unique in that their graphical meanings were to be understandable to extraterrestrial beings, who would have no conception of human language. A pioneer in data visualization, Edward Tufte , wrote a series of books — Visual Explanations , The Visual Display of Quantitative Information , and Envisioning Information — on the subject of information graphics.

As of [update] , Tufte still gives these lectures. Tufte's contribution to the field of data visualization and infographics is considered immense, and his design principles can be seen in many websites, magazines, and newspapers today.

The infographics created by Peter Sullivan for The Sunday Times in the s, s, and s were some of the key factors in encouraging newspapers to use more infographics. Sullivan is also one of the few authors who have written about information graphics in newspapers. Likewise, the staff artists at USA Today, the United States newspaper that debuted in , established the goal of using graphics to make information easier to comprehend. However, the paper has received criticism for oversimplifying news stories and for creating infographics that some find emphasizes entertainment over content and data.

Tufte coined the term chartjunk to refer to graphics that are visually appealing to the point of losing the information contained within them. With vector graphics and raster graphics becoming ubiquitous in computing in the 21st Century, data visualizations have been applied to commonly used computer systems, including desktop publishing and Geographic Information Systems GIS. Closely related to the field of information graphics is information design , which is the creation of infographics.

By the year , Adobe Flash -based animations on the Internet had made use of many key practices in creating infographics in order to create a variety of products and games.

Likewise, television began to incorporate infographics into the viewers' experiences in the early s. Both of these videos and the attention they received have conveyed to other fields the potential value of using information graphics to describe complex information efficiently. The field of journalism has also incorporated and applied information graphics to news stories.

For stories that intend to include text, images, and graphics, the system called the maestro concept allows entire newsrooms to collaborate and organize a story to successfully incorporate all components. Across many newsrooms, this teamwork-integrated system is applied to improve time management. The maestro system is designed to improve the presentation of stories for busy readers of media. Many news-based websites have also used interactive information graphics in which the user can extract information on a subject as they explore the graphic.

Many businesses use infographics as a medium for communicating with and attracting potential customers. Religious denominations have also started using infographics. For example, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has made numerous infographics to help people learn about their faith, missionaries, temples, lay ministry, and family history efforts.

Infographics are finding a home in the classroom as well. Courses that teach students to create their own infographics using a variety of tools may encourage engagement in the classroom and may lead to a better understanding of the concepts they are mapping onto the graphics. With the popularity of social media, infographics have become popular, often as static images or simple web interfaces, covering any number of topics. The hashtag infographic was tweeted 56, times in March and at its peak 3, times in a span of 24 hours.

The three parts of all infographics are the visual, the content, and the knowledge. There are two different types of graphics — theme, and reference. These graphics are included in all infographics and represent the underlying visual representation of the data. Reference graphics are generally icons that can be used to point to certain data, although they are not always found in infographics.

Statistics and facts usually serve as the content for infographics and can be obtained from any number of sources, including census data and news reports. One of the most important aspects of infographics is that they contain some sort of insight into the data that they are presenting — this is the knowledge.

Infographics are effective because of their visual element. Humans receive input from all five of their senses sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste , but they receive significantly more information from vision than any of the other four. The brain processes pictures all at once, but processes text in a linear fashion, meaning it takes much longer to obtain information from text.

The page may link to a complete report, but the infographic primes the reader making the subject-matter more accessible. When designing the visual aspect of an infographic, a number of considerations must be made to optimize the effectiveness of the visualization. The six components of visual encoding are spatial, marks, connection, enclosure, retinal properties, and temporal encoding. However, studies have shown that spatial position is the most effective way to represent numerical data and leads to the fastest and easiest understanding by viewers.

There are also three basic provisions of communication that need to be assessed when designing an infographic — appeal, comprehension, and retention. Comprehension implies that the viewer should be able to easily understand the information that is presented to them.

And finally, "retention" means that the viewer should remember the data presented by the infographic. The order of importance of these provisions depends on the purpose of the infographic. If the infographic is meant to convey information in an unbiased way, such as in the domains of academia or science, comprehension should be considered first, then retention, and finally, appeal. However, if the infographic is being used for commercial purposes, then appeal becomes most important, followed by retention and comprehension.

When infographics are being used for editorial purposes, such as in a newspaper, the appeal is again most important but is followed first by comprehension and then retention.

However, the appeal and the retention can in practice be put together with the aid of a comprehensible layout design. Recently, as an attempt to study the effect of the layout of an infographic on the comprehension of the viewers, a new Neural Network-based cognitive load estimation method was applied on different types of common layouts for the infographic design. Data visualizations are often used in infographics and may make up the entire infographic.

There are many types of visualizations that can be used to represent the same set of data. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the appropriate visualization for the data set and infographic by taking into consideration graphical features such as position, size, shape, and color. There are primarily five types of visualization categories — time-series data, statistical distributions , maps , hierarchies, and networking.

Time-series data is one of the most common forms of data visualization. It documents sets of values over time. Examples of graphics in this category include index charts, stacked graphs, small multiples , and horizon graphs.

Index charts are ideal to use when raw values are less important than relative changes. It is an interactive line chart that shows percentage changes for a collection of time-series data based on a selected index point. For example, stock investors could use this because they are less concerned with the specific price and more concerned with the rate of growth.

Stacked graphs are area charts that are stacked on top of each other, and depict aggregate patterns. They allow viewers to see overall patterns and individual patterns.

However, they do not support negative numbers and make it difficult to accurately interpret trends. An alternative to stacked graphs is small multiples. Instead of stacking each area chart, each series is individually shown so the overall trends of each sector are more easily interpreted.

Horizon graphs are a space efficient method to increase the data density of a time-series while preserving resolution. Statistical distributions reveal trends based on how numbers are distributed. Common examples include histograms and box-and-whisker plots , which convey statistical features such as mean , median , and outliers. In addition to these common infographics, alternatives include stem-and-leaf plots , Q—Q plots , scatter plot matrices SPLOM and parallel coordinates. For assessing a collection of numbers and focusing on frequency distribution , stem-and-leaf plots can be helpful.

The numbers are binned based on the first significant digit, and within each stack binned again based on the second significant digit. On the other hand, Q—Q plots compare two probability distributions by graphing quantiles against each other. This allows the viewer to see if the plot values are similar and if the two are linearly related. SPLOM is a technique that represents the relationships among multiple variables.

It uses multiple scatter plots to represent a pairwise relation among variables. Another statistical distribution approach to visualize multivariate data is parallel coordinates.

Rather than graphing every pair of variables in two dimensions, the data is repeatedly plotted on a parallel axis, and corresponding points are then connected with a line. The advantage of parallel coordinates is that they are relatively compact, allowing many variables to be shown simultaneously.

Maps are a natural way to represent geographical data. Time and space can be depicted through the use of flow maps. Line strokes are used with various widths and colors to help encode information. Choropleth maps, which encode data through color and geographical region, are also commonly used. Graduated symbol maps are another method to represent geographical data.

They are an alternative to choropleth map and use symbols, such as pie charts for each area, over a map. This map allows for more dimensions to be represented using various shapes, sizes, and colors. Cartograms , on the other hand, completely distort the shape of a region and directly encode a data variable. Instead of using a geographic map, regions are redrawn proportionally to the data. Many data sets, such as spatial entities of countries or common structures for governments, can be organized into natural hierarchies.

Node-link diagrams, adjacency diagrams, and enclosure diagrams are all types of infographics that effectively communicate hierarchical data. Node-link diagrams are a popular method due to the tidy and space-efficient results. A node-link diagram is similar to a tree, where each node branches off into multiple sub-sections. An alternative is adjacency diagrams, which is a space-filling variant of the node-link diagram. Instead of drawing a link between hierarchies, nodes are drawn as solid areas with sub-sections inside of each section.

This method allows for size to be easily represented than in the node-link diagrams. Enclosure diagrams are also a space-filling visualization method. However, they use containment rather than adjacency to represent the hierarchy.



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